Mark: A Day in the Life . . . of the Messiah

Jesus in Mark: A Day in the Life...of the Messiah Mark 1:21-31

Life Group Questions

  1. Is there anything in particular that stood out to you from this passage?

  2. Why is it important for us to treat the teaching of Jesus different than other competing voices from around us? How can we be intentional about making this distinction?

  3. What do you think of when you hear about angels and demons? (Ephesians 6:12; Job. 2:2; Romans 8:38; Matthew 4) What difference does it make for us today that Jesus has authority over this realm?

  4. What do we see of Jesus as He heals and casts out demons? How is this a demonstration of His authority, and what does it point to, both now and in the future for us?